About Pests

Termite Control

Termite infestation is usually not apparent until severe damages have incurred. They live in dark, humid and protected environment, which make them so hard to find - until it’s too late. As termites devour their way through wood from the inside, it can be rather challenging to detect a termite infestation but there are some tell-tale signs that indicate their presence.

How do you know that termite has attacked?

How do I know if I have termites? Your first clue to a termite problem may be small flying insects – known as termite Swarmers - flying near your windows and leaving behind their discarded wings. This phenomenon generally occurs in the spring time. However, termites are active all year round, and as termite swarmers look very similar to flying ants, correct identification is critical as part of a professional customized solution. Termites are secretive pests and spotting them can prove to be very tricky. They can live undetected in hollow doors and wall voids for many years. Apart from spotting termite swarmers in the spring, another obvious indicator of their presence is the damage they inflict on properties. To actually tell if you have termites in your home, it is often easier to look for the early damage signs they can typically cause.


1 - Drilling & Injecting Chemicals
2 - Spraying Chemicals in wooden Structures.
3 - Coating on selected areas.
4 - Skirting level Treatment.
5 - Chemical Barrier around the premises


Cockroach Control

Cockroaches carry a huge host of diseases transferring it to foodstuffs or through their faeces. They multiple rapidly in favorable conditions and often go unnoticed until they become seen during the day which is indicative of a serious infestation as they are predominately a nocturnal insect. Cockroaches rely on water and warmth and this encourages their presence behind freezers, fridges and cookers. These areas are often undisturbed and there is adequate food debris and water supply at hand.


Bed bug Control

Bed bugs are a significant problem in India and around the world. They are easily spread and difficult to treat resulting in a rapid growth in the number of bed bug outbreaks. The key to beating this problem is to raise awareness of what to look for and to ensure bed bugs are dealt with quickly once discovered.Bed bugs are a significant problem in India and around the world. They are easily spread and difficult to treat resulting in a rapid growth in the number of bed bug outbreaks. The key to beating this problem is to raise awareness of what to look for and to ensure bed bugs are dealt with quickly once discovered.


Rats Control

Rats cause a lot of damage. As the teeth of rodents continue to grow over their lifetime, they need to gnaw on hard substances such as lead and plastic pipes, insulation material and electric wiring. This habit increases the risk of short circuits and fires. In addition to this, they transmit a number of dangerous diseases such as Salmonella, Leptospirosis (Weil's disease), Tuberculosis and even tape worms.

Rats cause a lot of contamination. One single rat equals more than 25000 droppings per year, which contain allergens that can cause acute allergic reactions.

Rats introduce secondary pests. Rats are also known to introduce other pests, such as fleas, mites and ticks into the premise, causing additional damage.


Mosquito Control

Mosquito control manages the population of mosquitoes to reduce their damage to human health, economies, and enjoyment. Mosquito control is a vital public-health practice throughout the world and especially in the tropics because mosquitoes spread many diseases, such as malaria and the Zika virus.Depending on the situation, source reduction, biocontrol, larviciding (killing of larvae), or adulticiding (killing of adults) may be used to manage mosquito populations. These techniques are accomplished using habitat modification, pesticide, biological-control agents, and trapping. The advantage of non-toxic methods of control is they can be used in Conservation Areas.


Ants Control

Ants are one of the most successful groups of insects with over 3000 known species. They are social insects that live in large colonies which are located in the ground or walls, basements and ceilings of buildings.

Ants can be a major nuisance in households and businesses, getting into foodstuffs and running around bench-tops and other areas. In some instances they can cause electrical and mechanical problems around wall sockets and hot water cylinders.


Spider Control

Wherever their food is available, Spiders are likely to be found. All Spiders are predators, feeding mainly on other insects and other smaller Spiders.

The best-known Spiders are those which commonly live in and around houses, for example, Daddy Longlegs, Garden and Flax Spiders, and White-tailed Spiders. Most Common Spiders hunt only at night and tuck themselves away behind furniture, wardrobes and curtains during the day.


Lizard Control

Lizards are common pests in houses, factories & building,. There are several different types of lizards that are naturally occur in and around houses, building, factories. They may be a pest according to season or geographical regions. Lizards are pest simply by their presence indoors. They do not live or infest indoor areas but come from surrounding while most people do not like lizards or are frightened by their presence on interior walls and counters. These animals are not harmful. They will not bite people or pests.

Lizards are inactive primarily during day and night. They move indoors during the early evening or early morning in search of insects that are attracted to lights. Lizards feed primarily on insects and spiders. They especially prefer ants. They are solitary animal but they may occur in large nos. where there is an abundant vegetation & moist conditions. Matting occurs in the spring & eggs are laid. Soon after the eggs are hatched in summer young lizards take about 2 years to become adult. The young ones are recognized by their small sign of short tail.


Fly Control

Flies are rapid developers from egg to adult (in ideal conditions this process can take as little as 7-10 days). Flies are general feeders, being attracted to a wide variety of substances from excrement to human foods. Flies excrete and regurgitate food whenever they come to rest.

Flies are not only a nuisance in your home but can be of serious concern in a food business. House Flies have been shown to harbor over 100 different kinds of disease causing pathogens, many of which are associated with filth.


Silver Fish Control

These are about 1/2 inch bluish-silver wingless insects with hard exoskeleton. They look like fish and their movements are very similar. They have 2 long antennas on their head and 3 prominent “tails” on rear.

Females’ egg numbers vary. Depending on species, their quantity may range from 2 to 20 eggs per day. Silverfish can lay eggs at any season of the year and grow from larva to adult in 3-4 months.

Silverfish feed on mold, fungi and carbohydrates (such as sugars, starch or cellulose). This means that your food (especially dry foods), clothes, shampoos, soaps, books, wallpaper, plants and many other things are in danger.

Though the insects may be found almost anywhere, they prefer dark, moist, moderate temperature areas (60-80 degrees Fahrenheit) and places with good sources of food. Unless the food is gone, they remain close to its supply.


Wood Borer Control

Wood borers are tiny beetles whose larvae feed extensively on wood. The adults make tiny pinhead size holes on the wooden surface before flying out. The frass or powder then begins to fall out from these tiny holes. This is the first sign of infestation in the furniture. Wood Preservative chemicals are injected into the tiny holes created by the wood borers with the help of a syringe. This kills larvae present in the wood. The surface of the wood is also sprayed with chemicals that contain a petroleum base.

Name  : Vishal Joshi Phone : 6395811181 Email  : vishalwebdev0987@gmail.com Instagram : vishal_404_
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